About Us

The Gloucester Fund Inc.

The organization’s mission is to promote civic, cultural, educational, athletic and benevolent purposes or activities in benefit of the citizens of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Its motto is “partnering with the community to benefit the community”.

During 2016, the organization’s third largest program service accomplishment was to secure the historic home of Gloucester sculptor Paul Manship to be used for an artist residency program and cultural center.

Other program services of recent included granting of scholarships to Gloucester high school graduates, assistance for a city resident severely injured in an accident, installation of solar lighting and on-going maintenance at the Gloucester dog park, restoration of the city’s bronze memorial plaques, environmental advocacy for the city’s Wheeler’s Point neighborhood, support for troops and veterans, on-going restoration projects at Gloucester’s historic city hall, improvements and restoration work at city playgrounds and historic cemeteries, support of an arts committee project to restore a civil war coat, and funding of a public health program to provide hepatitis c testing.

During 2016, the organization’s second largest program service accomplishment was to conserve oceanfront land situated on Gloucester’s back shore for public use.

The organization’s largest program service accomplishment during recent years was its support for and on-going presentation of city-wide civic events, including concerts, fireworks displays on July 4th and labor day, the fishtown horribles parade, a kids halloween festival, a holiday historic area walk, and the santa parade.

The organization’s largest program service accomplishment during 2015 was its support for and on-going presentation of city-wide civic events, including concerts, fireworks displays on July 4th and labor day, the santa parade, a historic area walk, and the fishermen’s memorial.

The organization’s second largest program service accomplishment of 2015 was to raise funds to establish P.A.A.R.I., the city of Gloucester’s police-assisted addiction recovery initiative, which has become a model program nationwide.

The organization’s third largest program service accomplishment during 2015 was “the wall that heals”, a four-day visit of the Vietnam memorial moving wall to the city of Gloucester.

Other program services during 2015 included granting of scholarships to Gloucester high school graduates, installation of solar lighting and on-going maintenance at the Gloucester dog park, restoration of bronze plaques on city war memorial monuments, environmental advocacy for wheeler’s point, support for troops and veterans, on-going restoration projects at Gloucester’s historic city hall, a world war ii veterans photography project, restoration work at city playgrounds and historic cemeteries, support of arts committee projects, and grants to aid the family of an injured marine and to enable a disadvantaged youth to attend a YMCA service trip to New Orleans.

The organization supported various civic events to benefit the citizens of Gloucester, MA, including July 4th events and U.S. flag display, Labor Day events, a main street block party, the santa parade (which also supports the local high school band), a holiday walk through the historic middle street district, and a cultural weekend to celebrate the life and work of sculptor Walter Hancock.

The organization supports various community restoration projects. In 2014, funds were raised and distributed to restore commemorative bronze plaques and to create a garden at the historic Gloucester city hall, to restore several playgrounds and ballfields, and the Mulhaupt mural at a local school. The organization also continues to maintain the local dog park, which it constructed during 2013. A philanthropy award was granted to an individual in recognition of his support of many of the organization’s programs.

The organization supports Gloucester youth in various ways. During 2014, scholarships were granted to sixteen Gloucester high school students, funding was provided for the high school sailing program, and for an eagle scout service project to repair vandalized signs in a local park.

The organization supports various city-wide human service projects. During 2014, the organization provided assistance to our veterans and troops. Prescription drug cards were distributed to needy individuals. The organization also assisted with a memorial for Gloucester fishermen lost at sea.

The organization supports various civic events to benefit the citizens of Gloucester, ma, including July 4th events and U.S. flag display, Labor Day events, the santa parade (which also supports the local high school band), the city’s (Kent circle) Christmas tree, and a holiday walk through the historic middle street district.

The organization supports restoration projects for historically significant Gloucester buildings. In 2013, funds were raised and distributed to restore the city of Gloucester’s city hall and the lane’s cove fish shack.

During 2013, the organization completed construction of a dog park within stage fort park, the city’s public waterfront park.

The organization supports various city-wide human service projects. During 2013, the organization provided assistance to our veterans and troops. Prescription drug cards were distributed to needy individuals. Cash assistance was granted to fire victims. The organization also assisted with a memorial for Gloucester fishermen lost at sea.

The organization supports Gloucester youth and families in various ways. During 2013, scholarships were granted to sixteen Gloucester high school students, funding was provided for the high school sailing program, for an eagle scout service project to repair vandalized signs in a local park, and for the annual fishbox derby youth race of homemade gravity-powered racers.

  • Dog Park at Stage Fort Park
  • Sailboats for High School
  • City Hall restorations
  • Teenager with Bone Cancer
  • Dory Race boats
  • Public Relations Campaign for the City of Gloucester, MA
  • Animal Shelter Building Fund
  • Youth and Parents Mentoring and Support